Veterinary consent is required prior to any treatment taking place; this allows us to work ethically and to adhere to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.
The Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 1962 was introduced to take legitimate canine complementary therapies into account – allowing for the treatment of an animal by physiotherapy, but only under the direction, supervision and on the recommendation of the treating veterinarian who has diagnosed the condition.
‘Physiotherapy’ in this case is defined as including all kinds of manipulative therapy, including myotherapy – therefore providing your dog has first been seen by a veterinary surgeon who is happy to refer, treatment from Moray Canine Massage is in compliance with the Act. Any therapist who treats a dog without veterinary consent is working outside of the law.
Veterinary Consent forms can either be:
- Download from the link below for you to take to your vets then return to us
- We are happy to post one out for you take to your vets then return to us
- We are happy to approach your vet directly on your behalf.
Vets do not charge to complete this form.