We all know the amazing benefits massage has on the human body for easing muscular pain and helping recover from injury, but have you ever thought about the benefits it could have on your four-legged friend’s body?

Well, the benefits are exactly the same. The only difference is that we can ask for help when we need it, but your dog cannot. That’s when they need you, as their owner, to seek the help they need. 

So, how can Moray Canine Massage help your dog?

We offer Galen Myotherapy, a unique and highly specialised branch of canine massage therapy.  It uses a series of effective and targeted massage techniques to treat muscular and soft tissue complaints, to help relieve muscular tension, manage chronic muscular pain and inflammation, and to improve muscle function. Observations of behaviour, posture, muscle balance and gait are included into the initial assessment thus allowing targeted attention during treatment to the areas of the body that require it.  Exercise and lifestyle management advice are also given providing you with a complete package of care for your dog. Galen Myotherapy treats muscular and soft tissue complaints, no matter what the cause – be that a common canine condition such as arthritis, an injury, or a repetitive strain caused by activities of daily living such as chasing balls, jumping on and off the sofa, in and out of the car or slipping on laminate/wood flooring.

How we work with your dog

Putting your dog first

The welfare of your dog is our primary concern, and as passionate dog lovers, we use total respect when handling the dogs in our care – they are usually in pain and we empathise with that. As Galen Myotherapists, we follow the Positive P.A.C.T © methodology which means we are trained to handle dogs in a way that gives them choice about their treatment. This is different from other canine therapies.

Choice-led treatment

Your dog will always have a ‘choice’ about their treatment. It is vital for the dog being treated that they understand this, so they will always be allowed to leave the treatment area for a time out if they are unsure or experiencing discomfort. They will not be chased around the room or restrained in any way.

Making your dog comfortable

We provide a specialist treatment mat and work on your dog at ground level.  This helps them to feel comfortable and relaxed.  We do not use tables because they make dogs feel vulnerable. In order for your dog to be as relaxed as possible, I will treat them at their home with you present. 

No restraint

We never use any restraining methods, and will not muzzle your dog.  We are trained to read body language, and because we work with your dog, he/she can communicate where they are experiencing discomfort or pain. This leads to a trusting relationship begin formed very quickly.

Owner empowerment

Galen Myotherapy treatments are totally specific to your dog. We work very closely with you as a dog owner, giving clear information and instructions all the way through the treatment process. We also recognise that owners want to help with their dog’s treatment, so we always include the owners in their dog’s recovery plan – explaining techniques that are safe to use, along with exercise and environment management advice.